Check out this CCM Magazine Interview with Solveig!


The songs of Solveig Leithaug (pronounced Sol-vey Light-houg) have traveled the world over, literally. Having lived half of her life in Norway, the other half in the United States, the Dove Award-winning singer-songwriter has spent a lifetime heartening audiences across the globe with strains of faith surrendered through chords of hope. And on her most recent studio recording, Time (buy)—masterfully produced by Steve Hindalong (Sara Groves, Andrew Peterson)—the multi-faceted, multi-cultural folk-songstress enlists music to wrestle with one of humanity’s greatest fears … the passage of time.

Harnessing her gift for words to reflect upon messages appropriate for all-times—but, oh-so-needed now—perpetuated throughout the breadth of her musical career, Solveig sits down with Andrew Greer for this poignant conversation with one of gospel music’s most unique voices.

CCM Magazine: Time is your fifteenth solo studio recording. This many years into songwriting and recording, do you ever fear you will run out of things to say through singing? 
Solveig Leithaug: I haven’t been afraid of running out of topics nearly as much as I have battled fear of writing poorly. Fear is my worst enemy when it comes to creating. It makes my thinking narrow. I’m familiar with the fear of sounding cliché and of wasting someone’s time, and will rewrite, and rewrite again, in the earnest search for a fresh angle that resonates with others.

The human experience offers vast angles for poetry. I was eager to fill the new record with words I need to hear myself. It mirrors my own longing for peace, for true connection, my aim to not take my loved ones for granted, appreciate the simple things, remind myself of the need for a higher call to empathy, compassion and to listen better to others—songs that help me lift my eyes to God, where I invite Him into my situations. I have a great respect for my non-believing friends and family, and also how hard it can be for some to hear a song about God. This pushes me to work even harder to find ways that don’t turn people off unnecessarily to what I may want to try to convey.

CCM: Your history in music is astounding. Parliament dinners. Major airtime on international radio and television. Performances around the world in venues ranging from churches to prisons. In your opinion, what about your music has spawned these diverse invitations? 
SL: I’m not sure. I’ve stayed flexible. I’ve been willing to try new things, to do things while being scared, and to love the people who come and hear me. I’ve seen that heartbreak is no discriminator of titles, status, religion, paycheck or position. In my view, we’ve all got stuff to overcome. We all need a little kindness—a little grace. I bring that with me to the work and stages I’m given.

Music has the powerful ability to be therapeutic. To bridge. To heal. To lift. To change an atmosphere. To restore. I go in and out of many different denominations, networks, and “worlds,” and work with people from all kinds of backgrounds. I get to be around people who have no faith background, and many who do. My mom taught me respect for others who are not the same as me. Music is a leveler. Jesus is a leveler. Our human desire for connection is the same, and music bridges all of it. As I see it, Jesus does too.

CCM: All of my hurries / All of my worries / I just keep running out of time. The new record’s title track is enchanting. Give me the background on the lyric, and talk about the thing we are all a bit fearful of … time.
SL: I first started to write this song thinking about how my youngest son, sixteen now, will soon be grown, and how fast time goes by. I brought the draft to a writing session with Reba Rambo-McGuire. As we were digging into the subject the song found its form. I guess few things touch closer to the heart than questions like: How am I treating my nearest loved ones? Am I rushing so hard, working so much, that I miss out on the moment within reach—to connect with a loved one?

CCM: As someone who has so much international experience, in a culture that is so divided and rife with tension, is there a solution? Is there a way to diminish our differences so we can connect on a heart level? 
SL: That’s a great question. We are living in a world of increased tension. My husband Jim and I have a wide circle of friends who represent a lot of opposing political viewpoints. I often read articles on the same news story, seen from a European perspective alongside the American media. I’ve challenged myself to pause and listen.

I made a phone call recently to a friend whose views made me mad and genuinely sad. I thought, Is there a way to actually discuss this? We decided to give it a try. I told her my guns weren’t loaded, [and] I would like to try to understand why she takes the stands she takes. In return, she asked me the same. It was hard, but after an hour or so we had found renewed common ground. Our friendship deserved it. It was an hour well spent.

CCM: What about music?
SL: Music has an incredible power to bridge, to heal, and transform. Musicians have a unique platform to bring our hearts a little healing, help us forget our pain, or help change someone’s day for the better. We all can do something wherever we have our places of influence. Sometimes all we can do is “show up” and be present, offer our melodies and lyrics, and invite Jesus to do His beautiful thing.

Check out the rest of the interview with Solveig and CCM right here:

Watch Solveig LIVE tonight on Facebook Live via Reba Rambo McGuire's Facebook page.

Solveig will be LIVE tonight on Reba Rambo McGuire's Facebook Page!  Join in at 6:30pm CST for a live concert by Solveig. She will be joined by Buddy Greene.

New Press Release for "Time"


Contact for booking/interviews: James Chaffee: 615.300.9699
Chaffee /

Announcing Newly Released 11 Song Album by Indie Artist Solveig Leithaug

Time is now available on CD, iTunes and Amazon Music.

Franklin, Tennessee: Solveig Leithaug (pronounced Sol-vey Light-houg) has been an internationally revered singer and songwriter since the 1980s. However, unlike most 80s sensations, this musical veteran is now releasing the greatest work of her career. Her signature vocals, laden with tender strength, deliver peaceful hope with impeccable musicality in this new 11-song collection.

Produced by prolific producer and songwriter, Steve Hindalong, Time weaves together the beauty and dissonance of life with brilliant precision. Leithaug is joined by award winning producer, artist and songwriter, Anthony Skinner, on the album’s 2nd single, “Get Together,” which he also co-wrote with her. “Lift You Up” was co-written with CCM songwriting icon, Cindy Morgan, who is featured on the album’s third cut.  Adding to the musical landscape are breathtaking instrumentation, including Leithaug’s own masterful guitar savvy, Stu G on electric guitar, Matt Slocum on cello, the multi-instrument texturing of Jeff Taylor, and background vocals by Kelly Willard and Solveig's daughter Kari.

Norwegian journalist Olav Solvang in Vårt Land describes Supermoon, the opening cut, as fitting for an Eva Cassidy or Gillian Welch recording. And it has been said that, although Solveig has historically been considered a CCM artist, the freshness and authenticity infusing each heart-felt song launches her into another echelon with far broader appeal.

“These are songs that - when I sing them - help me lift my eyes a bit higher, center my heart, see the simple things,” Solveig says of the songs on Time.  She refers to the collection as “eleven songs to lift your day, lower your shoulders, give you hope, bring you peace.” The songs embody empathy, faith, and the value of our important relationships, which make them particularly relevant at this time in our world’s history.

The album is now available for download wherever digital music is sold, and on CD at and select musical retailers.

About Solveig: Solveig is a Dove Award-winning singer and songwriter, whose gentle-yet-powerful gift for communicating a song has won the hearts of audiences across the globe.  Time is the fifteenth album of her career.


CCM Magazine Reviews "Time"

Here is what they had to say about it:

Blending a mature adult contemporary sound with some Americana influence, Norwegian artist Solveig Leithaug has given fans a steady stream of heartfelt melodies since the mid-‘80s when she had a deal with Word Records. These days, she’s reaching fans as an indie artist with an impressive catalog and a enjoyable new release, Time. Leithaug’s buoyant, acoustic songs, such as “Lift You Up” and “Simple Things,” are filled with equal measures of truth and encouragement. Other favorites include the title track and the beautiful opener “Supermoon.”

You can read the full article here:

New Single "Time" Out Now!

Ah! Thrilled to have another single to share with you all. The title cut "Time" from my new CD is out now! A song about connecting with our loved ones, and making time for the important things of life. 

For you who want to know more:

I wrote "Time" with my friend Reba Rambo-McGuire.
The following fine people contributed;
Producer, percussion: Steve Hindalong
Electric guitars: Stu Garrard
Cello: Matt Slocum
String arrangment, violin: Eleonore Denig
Keyboards: Britt Edwards
Bass: Chris Donohue
Drums: Ken Lewis
Acoustic guitar, vocals: Solveig
Engineered by Britt Edwards, Chris Cameron
Mixed by Shane Wilson
Mastered by Jim DeMain

You can buy the physical CD "Time" now:

For Scandinavia:
CDen kjøper du her:

I hope you enjoy the song as much as I've enjoyed the creative process of making it! 

Glimrende om Solveig's nye CD "Time" i Vårt Land

Plateanmeldelse av "Time" i avisen Vårt Land. 
Ved musikkjournalist Olav Solvang.

Solveig Leithaugs sanger berører oss

Tanta til artisten Gabrielle har ufortjent vært et nokså ubeskrevet blad i den norske pop-floraen. Solveig Leithaugs sanger berører oss dypt.

For alle som er vokst opp med kristen popmusikk her i landet, vil Solveig Leithaug derimot være kjent: Jenta fra Frekhaug som allerede midt i tenårene LP-debuterte med selvskrevne­ låter på albumet Askepott i 1985. Mange vil også huske at hun tidlig fikk stor oppmerksomhet fra kristne musikkmiljøer i USA, og kort tid etter flyttet dit.


Det nye albumet, Time, er spilt inn i USA, hvor Solveig fremdeles bor med familien sin. Der har hun også vært del­aktig i Gaither Homecoming, som foruten henne omtrent utelukkende har bestått av amerikanske artister på høyt nivå.

Åpningslåten, «Supermoon», hadde ikke skjemt ut verken et Eva Cassidy- ­eller et Gillian­ Welch-album. Den enkle, ­akustiskpregede og vokal­fokuserte vise-folk-country-pop-musikken til Leithaug smyger seg langsomt og nokså­ ubemerket under huden.

At hun har vunnet en Dove Award (den kristne musikkbransjens Grammy) i USA, er ikke så rart. Få singer-song­writere, uansett kjønn og nasjonalitet, formidler et budskap med samme nerve og kvalitet. Tekstene på Time er likevel mer fortellende enn forkynnende, med en raus Jesus som utgangspunkt.

Guds godhet

Folkevise-­inspirerte «Finn Torkel’s vise» har, i tillegg til et spenstig og originalt lydbilde, en tekst som viser Guds godhet på en måte langt flere enn faste kirkegjengere vil kunne være fortrolig med. «Ellis Island» er skåret over den samme folkemusikalske lesten. «Get Together» og «Take Your Word For It» er mer radiovennlige og pop-preget. Den første med glimrende vokalassistanse fra Anthony Skinner. A-list den, NRK P1!


Gjenhøret med en av hennes aller første sanger fra 1980-tallet, «Trylle bittelitt», er kanskje ment som en kuriositet,­ men i sitt nye arrangement bekrefter den mest av alt Solveigs tidlige låtskrivertalent.

En god del av æren for at hun på sitt 19. album viser seg fra sin aller beste side, har produsenten Steve Hindalong. Sammen med Derry Daugherty er han kjent for flere eminente album med Choir. Her lager han gromlyd for Solveigs sang.

Enkelt og raust om tro og liv.

New CD and Norway tour for Solveig in March, 2017.

Solveig has been spending a good bit of time in a Nashville recording studio since January 2, 2017. Twelve songs about life, love, hope, and faith are taking shape. Producer Steve Hindalong (Finding Home, Christmas Peace/ Julefred) has again drummed up a dream team of musicians and collaborators. The CD will exclusively be available for physical sales during her upcoming Norway tour March 5-15. More information to follow soon on it's official international digital release.


Madlamark kirke, Stavanger søndag 5. mars kl. 20*

Frekhaug bedehus, Nordhordland tirsdag 7. mars kl. 19.30

Straume Forum, Sotra ved Bergen onsdag 8. mars kl. 19.30

Valen kirke, Husnes torsdag 9. mars kl. 19

Bremnes kirke, Bømlo fredag 10. mars  kl. 20**

Ulstein kirke, Ulsteinvik søndag 12. mars kl. 19

Blindheim bedehus, Ålesund mandag 13. mars kl. 19

Kornstad kirke, Averøy på Nordmøre tirsdag 14. mars kl. 19

Stedje kirke, Sogndal, Sogn og Fjordane onsdag 15. mars kl. 19.

*Gjest: Madlamark kirke's Prosjektkor. Band.

**Gjest: Bømlo Gospel


Phone: +1615 300 9699. E-mail:

Solveig returns to Norway for her 2015 Christmas Tour

"SALIG JUL" Solveig Leithaug, Hilde Svela og Marianne Engebretsen.
Piano: Kristian Lie-Bjelland. Bass: Thomas Engebretsen. Bilder: Johannes Kleppe.

Lørdag 28.november kl. 20 Undheim Kyrkje
Søndag 29.november kl. 19 Kvitsøy Aktivitetshall
Mandag 30.november kl. 20 Varhaug Misjonshall Gjest: Hananja
Tirsdag 1. desember kl. 11/12 Lunsjkonserter Stavanger Universitetssykehus
kl 20 Grødem kirke
Onsdag 2. desember kl. 19.30 Lund kirke, Moi. Gjest: Menighetskoret.
Tickets/ Billetter:

Torsdag 3. desember kl. 18.00. Petter Dass-prisutdeling i Oslo Domkirke. Oslo Soul Children. Gjest: Solveig.

"FØRJULSKONSERT" Solveig Leithaug med Elisabeth Widmer og Helge Nysted, piano.
Fredag 4. desember kl. 18 Privat event Asker Kulturhus
Lørdag 5. desember kl. 18 Sarpsborg Filadelfia
Søndag 6. desember kl. 18 Kolbotn Pinsekirke

Solveig's "Faraway Lullaby" from the bells of Oslo City hall.

Solveig Leithaug's goodnight song "Faraway Lullaby" has been chosen to ring nightly from the bell-tower of Oslo City Hall at 8pm over the streets of Norway's capitol. This first took place October 13, and was played till advent, 2014. Again it is now featured from January 6th till the end of spring, 2015. The ritornelle was created by Carillonist Laura Marie Rueslåtten who gave Solveig recently a private tour of the majestic bell-tower and to see the bells first hand that plays her goodnight song over her old hometown.

Solveig is in the fine company of composers such as Leonard Cohen, Michael Jackson, Debussey and Hovland. The original recording of Faraway Lullaby is found on her latest CD Finding Home.

The song was composed by Solveig Leithaug with Sarah Hart in 2013.

Finding Home is available digitally at Amazon, iTunes, Wimp, Spotify, and in stores such as Platekompaniet or can be purchased online via
iTunes (Norway):
iTunes (USA):